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  Function            getyn - get Yes/No

  Syntax              char getyn(int output);

  Prototype in        keyboard.h

  Remarks             getyn waits for a Y or N to be pressed and then
                      displays a message via putstr() according to

                           output         Message displayed
                           ------         -----------------
                             0                 no message
                             1                 Y or N
                             2                 Yes or No

                      getyn is case independent.

                      Video output is via Borland's console i/o.

  Return value        returns 'Y' or 'N'

  See also            getc_match(), getk(), getc_match(), getlogical(),
                      inkey(), inkeyc()

  Example             #include <keyboard.h>

                           printf("Is this OK? ");

See Also: getc_match() getlogical() inkey()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson